<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src="https://ct.pinterest.com/v3/?event=init&amp;tid=2613018169516&amp;pd[em]=<hashed_email_address>&amp;noscript=1">

A beautiful and functional timeline wall make this lobby stand out.

The client chose to use mixed media to tell the company's story on this timeline wall. Natural plywood slats mixed with the company's brand color stand out among the moss elements of this wall. 

Applying high-tech intelligence to staple materials

Transforming a simple material like Baltic birch plywood with 3D patterns and depth gives the material a new life.

Our vast understanding of the properties of materials allows us to offer the best solution for your project.


Customizable patterning

The baltic birch plywood panels were cut using advanced machinery. These tools allow us to customize the pattern type, scale and finish to our customer’s needs from an elegant streamlined look to complex organic shapes.