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Incredible wood slat feature wall

Impressive feature walls and ceilings create public spaces that reflect a fresh approach to localize a highly public space using the right techniques and materials.

Customized patterns

Uniquely designed patterns, carefully integrated into the walls at the baggage claim area allows the visitor to experience a glimpse of the local history with imagry of the indigenous Wichita tribe's traditional huts.


Durable Materials

In an airport setting, durability is important in the public spaces. People and equipment move up and down corridors many times each day. Baltic birch plywood was chosen for a number of reasons:

  • Can be formed into unique patterns, in this case, a representation of the local Brazos River.
  • Easily cleanable and replacable

Understanding the properties of advanced materials allows us to offer the best solution for the time and budget allowable.


Various feature walls are distributed throughout the concourse and baggage claim of the recently rennovated Waco Regional airport. The feature walls, created in collaboration with Dallas-based CaCo Architecture, represent the local environment and history.